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Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vittal Rao is a consultant surgeon in Staffordshire with a sub-speciality in upper GI (... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Ремонт лапароскопической грыжи
- Хирургия желчного пузыря
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Хирургическое лечение ожирения
- грыжа
- Медико-правовой
- Ремонт лапароскопической грыжи
- Хирургия желчного пузыря
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Хирургическое лечение ожирения
- грыжа
- Медико-правовой
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vittal Rao is a consultant surgeon in Staffordshire with a sub-speciality in upper GI (gastrointestinal) and bariatric подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Laparoscopic, Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon, Nuffield Health North Staffordshire Hospita... подробнее
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Mr Vittal Rao
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Mr Vittal Rao
Clayton Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire
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192 Altrincham Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester
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1 Sandstone Dr, Whiston, Liverpool, Prescot
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Top Doctors
Mr Vittal Rao
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Vittal Rao is a consultant surgeon in Staffordshire with a sub-speciality in upper GI (gastrointestinal) and bariatric surgery.
He is extensively trained in a wide range of simple and complex procedures. This includes surgery for weight loss (gastric bypass and gastric sleeve), which is also one of his main research interests. Mr Rao is an expert in this field and has gained years of professional expertise in treating obesity and metabolic issues. What's more, he is a member of the British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS) and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO).
Mr Rao is also trained in the surgical treatment of hernias (umbilical, paraumbilical and inguinal) as well as complex reflux disease and gallstones. Having spent years mastering numerous procedures such as laparoscopic surgery and keeping up-to-date with the latest techniques by regularly attending professional courses, he ensures patients receive the best outcomes possible. Furthermore, he offers diagnostic assistance through the use of endoscopy and emergency surgery for conditions relating to the gastrointestinal tract and trauma.
Patient care and safety aren't the only passions of his career, in fact, Mr Rao is also an active participant in research and teaching. His publications on ResearchGate have over 5,000 reads, he has presented over 30 abstracts in various national and international conferences and has also published over 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to this, he is an editorial board member and peer reviewer for several publications. With his research, he aims to improve patient care through innovation. As for teaching, he shares his professional expertise with future specialists as an honorary lecturer at Keele University.
Mr Rao is part of Infinity Surgery, a group of highly experienced bariatric and upper gastrointestinal surgeons.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 5196134
- Английский
- Kannada
- малаялам
- тамильский
Mr Vittal Rao
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan is a highly experienced British Menopause Society-accredited gynaec... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Менопауза
- Перименопауза
- Преждевременная недостаточность яичников
- Женское здоровье
- Гормональная заместительная терапия
- Преждевременная менопауза
- Менопауза
- Перименопауза
- Преждевременная недостаточность яичников
- Женское здоровье
- Гормональная заместительная терапия
- Преждевременная менопауза
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan is a highly experienced British Menopause Society-accredited gynaecologist, menopause specialist, and general practitioner based in London. With over 20 y... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Menopause specialist and gynaecologist, Medical Prime, London (present) подробнее
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Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan
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Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan
First Floor, 65 London Wall, London
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Top Doctors
Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan is a highly experienced British Menopause Society-accredited gynaecologist, menopause specialist, and general practitioner based in London. With over 20 years of experience, Dr Dhairyawan is highly skilled in the management of menopause and perimenopause, as well as in the treatment of numerous women’s health conditions such as osteoporosis and testosterone treatment for women. Her other areas of expertise include sexual health and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Dr Dhairyawan practises privately at Medical Prime Menopause Clinic, located in Central London. She is committed to ensuring each patient the best possible care, offering bespoke treatment plans according to their individual needs and wishes.
Dr Dhairyawan has an impressive educational background. She first graduated with her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1999. She has gone on to receive numerous qualifications, expanding her expertise in menopause and women’s health.
In 2004, she received a DRCOG from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, before going on to receive her MRCGP from the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2005. In 2022 she achieved an Advanced Certificate in Menopause Care, and holds the prestigious title of British Menopause Society Menopause Specialist.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4601515
- Английский
Dr Ashlesha Dhairyawan
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sunil Gupta is a consultant haematologist and haem-oncologist ... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Низкий уровень крови
- Тромбоз глубоких вен
- Анемия
- Миелопролиферативные заболевания
- Alterations of platelets
- Нарушения свертываемости крови
- Низкий уровень крови
- Тромбоз глубоких вен
- Анемия
- Миелопролиферативные заболевания
- Alterations of platelets
- Нарушения свертываемости крови
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sunil Gupta is a consultant haematologist and haem-oncologist with over 25 years of experience in clinical and laboratory haematology, spanning four countries. He speci... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Haematologist, BMI The Sloane Hospital, Beckenham (present)Consultant Haematologist, ... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Sunil Gupta
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Dr Sunil Gupta
1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf
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40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath
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125 Albemarle Road, Shortlands
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Bucks Cross Road, Chelsfield
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Dr Sunil Gupta
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Sunil Gupta is a consultant haematologist and haem-oncologist with over 25 years of experience in clinical and laboratory haematology, spanning four countries. He specialises in haematology-oncology, clotting disorders, anaemia, myeloproliferative disorders, immune thrombocytopenic purpura and bleeding disorders.
Dr Gupta has been trained by some of the best institutes in the world, namely King's College Hospital, London; Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney; National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore and the All Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, India. He obtained his Certificate of Completion of Specialty Training (CCST) from London Deanery at King's College Hospital. He undertook clinical research in anthracycline toxicity in children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Dr Gupta is the Clinical Director for Haematology and Cancer at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS hospital. He is the principal investigator of TACTIC CoVID trial.
Dr Gupta is an avid researcher. He is the lead for research and development (R&D) in haematology at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT) and opened several new clinical drug trials in haem-oncology. He has been Principal Investigator of more than 10 national and commercial clinical trials and Dr Gupta has remained involved in new drugs appraisal for NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence).
He has many publications to his credit and is also a member of the Sounding Board of British Society for Haematology (BSH).
Dr Gupta has a deep interest in teaching and was awarded the title of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer by GKT School of Medicine. He is currently cancer and genetics lead for year 3 medical students at LGT. He is also career guidance lead (Career Champion) in haematology for LGT. Dr Gupta is also a trained and certified appraiser and CPD advisor to the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians.
Dr Gupta provides in-patient and outpatient chemotherapies for multiple myeloma, lymphomas, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic myeloid leukaemia, and myeloproliferative disorders. He also offers day-case and in-patient blood transfusion and iron infusion. Dr Gupta is on the panel of all the major insurance providers.
Dr Gupta is a fitness freak. He bears a holistic approach towards health. He is a trained and certified Yoga instructor and runs his weekly classes in Bromley for free to boost the health in the community.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6099231
- Гуджара́ти
Dr Sunil Gupta
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Maria Papachatzaki is a leading consultant neurologist based in London who sp... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Рассеянный склероз
- Эпилепсия
- Оптический невромиелит
- Синдром беспокойных ног
- Нарушение сна
- чрезмерная сонливость
- Рассеянный склероз
- Эпилепсия
- Оптический невромиелит
- Синдром беспокойных ног
- Нарушение сна
- чрезмерная сонливость
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Maria Papachatzaki is a leading consultant neurologist based in London who specialises in multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy and related disorders. She p... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant neurologist, Dementech NeurosciencesConsultant neurologist, Mid and South Essex NHS F... подробнее
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Dr Maria Papachatzaki
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Dr Maria Papachatzaki
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Dr Maria Papachatzaki
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Maria Papachatzaki is a leading consultant neurologist based in London who specialises in multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy and related disorders. She privately practises at Dementech Neurosciences clinic and her NHS base is Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Papachatzaki is highly qualified, with MUDr, MSc and PhD qualifications. On completion of her MSc degree, she received a scholarship from the FOTEINOS Foundation in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Furthermore, she was awarded funding by the European PENED research fund after completing her PhD in Neurosciences at the University of Crete.
Dr Papachatzaki worked as a post doctorate researcher in the MS team at the Blizzard Institute of the cell, QMUL/Barts Health NHS Trust in London. She worked alongside prestigious colleagues at the Royal London Hospital on many MS projects, involving clinical trials and leading projects on basic research on the pathogenesis and neurophysiology of MS disease under Professor Klaus Schmierer.
Her research has been published in various peer reviewed journals and she provides patients with access to clinical trials. Currently, she is participating as a site lead PI in a number of research projects including the UK MS Register and UK Pregnancy Register, and a multi-ethnic genetics study in MS (ADAMS).
Dr Papachatzaki also has wide experience in pharmaceutical clinical trials of DMDs and symptomatic drugs for PwMS, while she has worked as a sub-investigator for multiple clinical trials of commercial phase III trials that have led to licensed medications.
Dr Papachatzaki is actively involved in teaching and activities that involves public and patient engagement including Digesting Science and MS Research Days.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6111153
- Английский
Dr Maria Papachatzaki
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Matthew Faircloth, a highly esteemed consultant cardiologist runs clinics as “one... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- боль в груди
- Одышка
- Учащенное или сильное сердцебиение
- Сердечный шум
- Эндопротезирование
- Инфаркт/стенокардия
- боль в груди
- Одышка
- Учащенное или сильное сердцебиение
- Сердечный шум
- Эндопротезирование
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Matthew Faircloth, a highly esteemed consultant cardiologist runs clinics as “one-stop” services whenever possible, ensuring a swift and efficient diagnostic process. Tests such as ECGs подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Cardiologist, Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (present) подробнее
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Dr Matthew Faircloth
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Dr Matthew Faircloth
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Top Doctors
Dr Matthew Faircloth
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Matthew Faircloth, a highly esteemed consultant cardiologist runs clinics as “one-stop” services whenever possible, ensuring a swift and efficient diagnostic process. Tests such as ECGs, echocardiograms, exercise tests, and cardiac monitors are often arranged on the same day as the initial visit.
With two to three clinics held per week, Dr. Faircloth, supported by a friendly and helpful PA, Deborah Squire, strives to accommodate patients as promptly as possible. Dr Faircloth qualified from St George's Hospital Medical School with multiple prizes, subsequently undertaking junior posts at St George's, the Royal Brompton, and Hammersmith hospitals. Registrar training began at Frimley Park Hospital in 1999 before progressing to St George's.
A personal British Heart Foundation (BHF) Fellowship allowed Dr Faircloth to conduct research on the molecular basis of ischemic heart failure at St Thomas' Hospital, culminating in the award of a PhD. Training was completed with a fellowship in interventional cardiology at St George's Hospital. In 2008, Dr. Faircloth was appointed as a consultant cardiologist at Frimley Park and St George’s hospitals.
Dr Faircloth is recognised by all major insurance companies and adheres to their fee structures, including BUPA, AXA-PPP, Aviva, WPA, and Exeter. An experienced and highly skilled interventional cardiologist, Dr Faircloth has externally reviewed performance figures that confirm excellent success rates and an outstanding safety record. Trusted by colleagues for clinical and interventional expertise, Dr Faircloth is often described by patients as a good and careful listener, a critical quality for achieving swift and accurate diagnoses.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4214070
- Английский
Dr Matthew Faircloth
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Simon Thompson is an internationally renowned consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon based... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Хирургия колена
- Артроскопия коленного сустава
- Артроскопическая менискэктомия
- Реконструкция передней крестообразной связки
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Остеотомии является стадией проведения разреза в одной из костей голени и имеющий бедренной остеотомии большеберцовой кости и остеотомии хирургии
- Хирургия колена
- Артроскопия коленного сустава
- Артроскопическая менискэктомия
- Реконструкция передней крестообразной связки
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- Остеотомии является стадией проведения разреза в одной из костей голени и имеющий бедренной остеотомии большеберцовой кости и остеотомии хирургии
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Simon Thompson is an internationally renowned consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon based in London and Surrey. He is known for his expertise in ACL reconstruction,... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon, The Lister Hospital (present)Consultant orthopaedic knee su... подробнее
Оценки пациентов
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Simon Thompson
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Mr Simon Thompson
Horizon Business Village, No 10 & 11, 1 Brooklands Rd
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The Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Pl
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Top Doctors
Mr Simon Thompson
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Simon Thompson is an internationally renowned consultant orthopaedic knee surgeon based in London and Surrey. He is known for his expertise in ACL reconstruction, meniscal injuries, complex ligament reconstruction, soft tissue injuries of the knee and total and partial knee replacement procedures, amongst other areas of knee surgery. Additionally, he specialises in anterior knee pain in athletes.
Mr Thompson’s illustrious career began with a firm academic foundation when he was awarded a bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree from Imperial College London in 2003. He additionally completed a masters in surgical technology and orthopaedics in 2005 and was appointed member of Royal College of Surgeons of England in the same year. He was awarded the prestigious surgical fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Mr Thompson has continued to hone his practice by pursuing further education, completing a postgraduate research degree in 2014 and additional diplomas in computer-navigated knee arthroplasty.
Mr Thompson is lead for research at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust additionally reviews publications for the American Journal of Sports Medicine. He is also a leading educator for fellow doctors as well as medical trainees and has held the position of honorary senior clinical lecturer at Imperial College London since 2015.
Mr Thompson’s expertise, particularly his work on ACL, has been recognised with a number of international prizes including Best Paper Award at the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. He is a member of numerous prestigious medical associations and is one of very few to be honoured as an international member of the Australian Knee Society. His experience and excellence in his field have made him a leading name in knee surgery and he has treated professional footballers, elite rugby players and Olympic athletes with knee issues
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6054702
- Английский
Mr Simon Thompson
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Colin Nnadi is an experienced, patient-focused spinal surgeon with a specialist interes... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Защемления
- Стеноз позвоночного канала
- Боль в спине
- Сколиоз
- Хирургия позвоночника
- Перелом позвоночника
- Защемления
- Стеноз позвоночного канала
- Боль в спине
- Сколиоз
- Хирургия позвоночника
- Перелом позвоночника
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Colin Nnadi is an experienced, patient-focused spinal surgeon with a specialist interest in paediatric and adult deformity. He is clinical lead for orthopaedic spine surgery in... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Spine Surgeon, The Portland Hospital, London (present)Consultant Spine Surgeon, The H... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Colin Nnadi
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Mr Colin Nnadi
60 Grove End Road, St John's Wood
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205-209 Great Portland Street, Marylebone
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Top Doctors
Mr Colin Nnadi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Colin Nnadi is an experienced, patient-focused spinal surgeon with a specialist interest in paediatric and adult deformity. He is clinical lead for orthopaedic spine surgery in Oxford. As a consultant orthopaedic spinal surgeon, he treats all manner of spinal problems, with expertise in a wide variety of conditions, including general spinal disorders, trauma and spinal infections, alongside fractures, degenerative spinal conditions and disc prolapse. He is also an expert in discectomy procedures.
He undertook spine fellowship training at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London, and at the Norfolk and Norwich University Teaching Hospital. He was appointed consultant orthopaedic spine surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals Trust in 2008, and is currently the Clinical Director of Neurosciences, Oxford University Hospitals. He was Clinical Lead for the Oxford Spine Unit from 2017 to 2023.
He sees patients privately at the Portland Hospital and The Harley Street Clinic in London and at the Manor Hospital in Oxford.
Mr Nnadi sees 1000-2000 outpatient cases every year, performing on average one complex deformity case a week. His approach is friendly, patient-orientated, and allows patients and their families to understand his recommended treatment course and diagnosis.
Mr Nnadi is involved in research and development in the field of spinal surgery and was chief investigator for the UK multi-centre MAGEC rods trial in early onset scoliosis. In 2011, Mr Nnadi founded the internationally renowned Oxford Early Onset Scoliosis Meeting, and he has served on several international educational spine faculties. He is a regular faculty member at international conferences on paediatric spinal surgery, and is an ex-chair of the Growing Spine Committee, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), and a member of the Paediatric Medical Device Taskforce for the SRS.
In 2015, Mr Nnadi published a book on early onset scoliosis, which is now sold worldwide, in addition to publishing various papers in peer-reviewed spine journals along with several textbook chapters. Mr Nnadi worked to develop national guidelines on the management of thrombo-embolism in spinal surgery, and between 2016 - 2018 he served on the NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) Venous Thromboembolism Guidelines Consultation Committee. He is a trustee for the Scoliosis Association UK and founder of the charity, Foundation for Early Onset Scoliosis.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4744416
- Английский
Mr Colin Nnadi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Paul Sutton is a highly respected consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in kne... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Хирургия колена
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Пересадка хряща
- Передняя крестообразная связка
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- Хирургия колена
- Спортивные травмы являются повреждения
- Протезирование коленного сустава
- Пересадка хряща
- Передняя крестообразная связка
- восстановление хряща
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Paul Sutton is a highly respected consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in knee surgery and is based in Sheffield. He is renowned for hi... подробнее
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Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Spire Claremont Hospital (present)Consultant orthopaedic surgeon... подробнее
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Mr Paul Sutton
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Mr Paul Sutton
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Mr Paul Sutton
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Paul Sutton is a highly respected consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in knee surgery and is based in Sheffield. He is renowned for his expertise in all types of knee surgery, including sports injuries as well as joint and cartilage replacement. He also specialises in surgery for anterior cruciate ligament injuries and cartilage repair.
Mr Sutton qualified in medicine in 1990 at the University of Sheffield and then went on to complete surgical training in the north of England. He attained fellowship of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and England in 1994 and then completed further surgical training on the Yorkshire orthopaedic programme. At this time, he developed a specialist interest in the knee joint and related sports injuries and pursued this further through a year-long clinical fellowship at the renowned Adidas Sports Medicine Institute in Auckland, New Zealand. He was awarded fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons’ Trauma and Orthopaedic section in 1999 and was appointed as a consultant in 2001. Due to Mr Sutton’s wealth of experience and expertise in the field, he is frequently consulted for second opinions or his insight on complex cases. He is renowned for his skill and in-depth knowledge in treating sports injuries of the knee and has extensive experience in treating premiership footballers, rugby players and Olympic athletes. Mr Sutton sees private patients at Spire Claremont Hospital and the Thornbury Hospital.
Alongside his clinical responsibilities, Mr Sutton is a dedicated educator and regularly teaches and trains fellow medical professionals and surgeons in arthroscopic surgery. He is also a course convenor and teacher on the Royal College of Surgeons’ orthopaedics ‘Core skills’ course for trainee specialists. He has also produced numerous academic papers which are published in peer reviewed journals and has written 5 book chapters for medical textbooks on his areas of expertise.
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Номер члена коллегии врачей: 3455414
- Английский
Mr Paul Sutton
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Philip Lim is a leading consultant plastic surgeon in York and Manchester who specialis... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Хирургия молочной железы
- тело Контурная
- Абдоминопластика
- Отопластика
- Рак кожи
- Блефаропластика
- Хирургия молочной железы
- тело Контурная
- Абдоминопластика
- Отопластика
- Рак кожи
- Блефаропластика
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Philip Lim is a leading consultant plastic surgeon in York and Manchester who specialises in both plastic and reconstructive surgery. His areas of expertise inclu... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Plastic Surgeon, PL Plastic Surgery, Clifton Park Hospital, York (present)Consultant ... подробнее
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Mr Philip Lim
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Mr Philip Lim
Shipton Road, Rawcliffe
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Mr Philip Lim
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Philip Lim is a leading consultant plastic surgeon in York and Manchester who specialises in both plastic and reconstructive surgery. His areas of expertise include abdominal and breast reconstruction surgery, skin cancer surgery, body contouring (Liposuction), blepharoplasty and wound management.
Mr Lim qualified in medicine in 1995 from the University of Leeds and went on to specialise in plastic surgery in 2013. He underwent a fellowship in microsurgical reconstruction at the Nottingham Breast Institute and Nottingham University Hospital.
He is a member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and of the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists. Mr Lim is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons England. He is an honorary senior lecturer at Hull York Medical School.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4219068
Mr Philip Lim
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Christoph Nienaber is an internationally recognised consultant cardiologist base... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Аорта операция операция
- Малоинвазивные технологии
- Замена аортального клапана (минимально инвазивная)
- Артериальная гипертензия
- наследственные заболевания
- Инвазивная коронарография и кардиология
- Аорта операция операция
- Малоинвазивные технологии
- Замена аортального клапана (минимально инвазивная)
- Артериальная гипертензия
- наследственные заболевания
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Christoph Nienaber is an internationally recognised consultant cardiologist based in London who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of aortic pathology. His areas of expertise include non-sur... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Cardiologist, RB&HH Specialist Care Outpatients and Diagnostics (present)Consulta... подробнее
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Professor Christoph Nienaber
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Professor Christoph Nienaber
Westminster Bridge Road
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Top Doctors
Professor Christoph Nienaber
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Professor Christoph Nienaber is an internationally recognised consultant cardiologist based in London who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of aortic pathology. His areas of expertise include non-surgical aortic interventions in dissection, aneurysm and coarctation of the aorta. He is an expert in complex coronary interventions, non-invasive diagnostics, hypertension (high blood pressure), inherited heart diseases and thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
Professor Nienaber began his academic career at University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. He then took a temporary position at the University California School of Medicine before returning to Hamburg. From there he chaired internal medicine and cardiology at Rostock University Hospital in Germany.
He began practising in the UK in 2015 when he was appointed as a consultant in Cardiology and Aortopathy at Royal Brompton Hospital in London. He is now a member of the British Society of Interventional Cardiology and an internationally renowned specialist in interventional cardiology and aortopathy practising at various sites in London.
In addition to his consultant work, Professor Nienaber is a scientific teacher and an international lecturer. He has served on various international guideline committees such as the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), and has been involved in high profile medico-legal cases in Germany, the UK and the USA.
Professor Christoph Nienaber conducts research in the field of advanced interventional approaches to coronary, aortic and structural heart disease and has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has also pioneered novel endovascular techniques for the treatment of aortic dissection and has led and participated in guideline-changing trials.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 7476612
- Немецкий
- Испанский
- Французский
- Английский